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Hardmount economy washer/ extractor HE 60 Powerline 27.2kg

Hardmount economy washer/ extractor HE 60 Powerline 27.2kg Rugged cast iron construction is used in our durable bearing housing. The shaft is constructed of high strength steel.

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Hardmount economy washer/ extractor HE 60 Powerlin
Hardmount economy washer/ extractor HE 60 Powerline 27.2kg 

Rugged cast iron construction is used in our durable bearing housing. The shaft is constructed of high strength steel.

Extractor HE 60 Powerline 27.2kg 

Model: HE-60

Maximum Capacity: 27.2 kg

Overall Dimensions

Machine width (mm): 880

Machine depth (mm): 1182

Machine height (mm): 1530

Cylinder Information

Diameter(mm): 790  -  Depth(mm): 595- Volume(cu.m) 0.29

Door Opening and height

Door Opening Diameter(mm):450

Height of door bottom above floor(mm): 540

Drive Information:

Number of motor: 1

Size of motor: 3.7 kw

Cylinder Speed 

Wash: 43 rbm

Distribution: 67 rbm

Extract : 583 rpm

Water Inlets

Hot water size(NPT): ¾”

Cold water size(NPT): ¾”

Additional water inlet(NPT): ¾”

Average Hot water consumption cycle(l): 46

Average Cold water consumption cycle(l): 104

Drain oultlet and Capacity:

Number of Drain:1

Drain size(mm): 76.2

Drain Capacity(l/min):581

Steam Inlet and Consumtion:

Steam inlet connection (NPT): ½”

Steam pressure (bar) : 6

Steam consumption (kg/hr): 34.4

Weight and shipping information

Net weight (kg): 499

Domestic shipping weight (kg): 519

Origin: USA