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Powerline Viet Nam
Distributor Agent
Industrial Flatwork ironer PFC series
Our Industrial Flatwork ironer machine are excellent products in quality, efficiency and convenience, our ironer to be one of the most energy efficient ironers on the market.
Hardmount Medium Speed Economy Washer Extractor HE series
Powerful, efficient, and affordable. These are the design keys for the HE series rigid mounted Washer-Extractors from Powerline Equipment.
Professional High Productivity Dryers DP series
The DP series dryer is unlike any other dryer in the industry. This heavy-duty professional dryer is built to the highest standards of quality and designed to last indefinitely. Strong structure, energy saving and ensures low cost, fast drying time and performance can not be surpassed as the key advantages of this model.
Economy High Efficiency Dryers PD series
Simple design and robust construction form a true combination of efficiency and durability.
All Product
Washer extractor USA HE SERIES
Washer extractor HI USA SERIES
Washer extractor SP USA SERIES
Washer extractor SA USA SERIES
Washer extractor SB USA SERIES
Washer extractor SI USA SERIES
Washer extractor SL USA SERIES
Tumble Dryer DP USA SERIES
Tumble Dryer PD USA SERIES
Flatwork Ironer USA PF SERIES
Flatwork Ironer USA PFC SERIES
Professional Ironer, Folder, Stacker USA PSF-SERIES
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Hot Product
Extractor HE series 36.3 kg USA Powerline
Hardmount economy washer/ extractor HE series 45.3 kg USA,
Hardmount economy washer/ extractor HE 60 Powerline 27.2kg
Professional ironer folder, stacker PSF- 24x120 Powerline
Professional ironer folder, stacker PSF-32x120 Powerline
Washer extractor 204 kg SL- 450 Powerline
Hot News
Powerline Vietnam a leading distributors of industrial laundry equipment USA.
Powerline Vietnam a leading distributors of industrial laundry equipment USA.
Powerline Vietnam a leading distributors of industrial laundry equipment USA.
Powerline Vietnam a leading distributors of industrial laundry equipment USA.
Quảng cáo
Washer extractor SB USA SERIES
Washer extractor SB USA SERIES
Softmount barrier washers 36 kg SB-80 Powerline
Supply softmount barrier washers 220 kg SB 220 kg Powerline
Softmount barrier washer 136 kg SB-300 Powerline
Supply softmount barrier washers 18 kg SB-40 Powerline
Washer extractor 70 kg SB-155 Powerline
Washer extractor 102 kg SB- 225 Powerline
Washer extractor 45 kg SB-100 Powerline
Washer extractor 27 kg SB-60 Powerline